
04 MAY 2024 - 30 OCT 2024


Judo Star development scheme 2024


04 MAY 2024

There will be a selection testing participants’ skill levels and potential in the Primary Training Scheme and Youth Training Scheme. Participants of Regional Scout are needed to be recommended by his/her coach.

The Judo Association of Hong Kong, China will appoint an Assessment Committee to access the qualification for all applicants. Entrants who are accessed as below standard will NOT be allowed to participate in the training scheme or team. The entrants accessed as below standard are allowed making an appeal to an Appeal Panel against the decision of the Assessment Committee. The decision of the Appeal Panel will be finial. The Assessment Committee will access the standard of participants according to the following critics -

(1) Age
(2) Skill levels
(3) Potential
(4) Current form
(5) Past achievements
(6) Discipline, attitude and commitment
(7) Long term benefit to the growth of Judo

If one wants to appeal, he/she needs to inform the secretariat of the Judo Association of Hong Kong, China in letter. After receiving the appeal, it will be passed to the Appeal Panel to make decisions.